Transparency is essential to ensuring your government works for you. After spearheading the candidate Transparency Pledge during the 2018 election cycle, I am now the foremost successful champion of transparency on Beacon Hill, having achieved advancements in transparency both on the floor and in the committee process.
I became a Senator to serve all of my constituents. They deserve to know how I vote on their behalf.
I publish all of my votes – both floor and committee – on this page. My team and I aim to update these votes on a monthly basis; if the website does not yet display a recent vote, you can call or email my office for my voting record.
My staff and I also take extra measures to make the legislative process more accessible and transparent for Massachusetts. Watch Low Budget Beacon Hill, a web-series about state government, or read Demystifying the State House, a staff blog about the daily operations of Beacon Hill. Make sure to follow along on Twitter and Facebook for live updates on our Beacon Hill work.